Apoiamos as inovações e inovadores que resolvem os principais desafios de saúde para a pessoas da América Latina.
Temos otimismo com relação ao futuro, e nosso objetivo é co-criar soluções disruptivas que promovam sistemas de saúde sustentáveis e centrados nas pessoas; transformando o ecossistema de saúde como conhecemos.
Temos otimismo com relação ao futuro, e nosso objetivo é co-criar soluções disruptivas que promovam sistemas de saúde sustentáveis e centrados nas pessoas; transformando o ecossistema de saúde como conhecemos.

Our history
was born in 2020 in Latin America, as a group led globally by Roche and the Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies, which seeks to bring together leaders from the health, government and private sectors in order to identify synergies, make strategic alliances and promote projects of entrepreneurs and professionals to develop innovative solutions and facilitate access to health in the countries where it is present.
The Movement has brought together more than 70 experts from the region, including former government officials, health care economists, patient organization representatives, data scientists, among others, to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of local health systems and your priorities. These meetings have been the basis for consolidating the proposed objectives that must be met by 2030.


Healthcare Institutions
Our territory

+ Canada
+ Finland
+ Norway
+ Sweden
+ Denmark
+ Estonia
+ Lituania
+ Latvia
+ Hungria
+ Bulgaria
+ Algeria
+ Jordan
+ Lebanon
+ Iraq
+ Arab Emirates
+ Russia
+ Turkey
+ South Africa
+ Ghana
+ (TBC)
*Open Innovation Challenge next to be launch