Partners | Movimiento Salud
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Ready to be a catalyst of the future of healthcare innovation?

We are calling out to all actors, individuals, corporations and institutions who share our purpose and are aligned with our vision to become part of our movement. 

Become our Partner

There are multiple ways in which you can engage with MS2030. We invite you to consider the different roles you can play and the impact that it will have on you individually and/or in your organization and help us map other stakeholders who might want to become part of this great endeavour.

You want to help us build the future by coming up with the solutions, design, develop and implement. 

You want to help us build engagement by bringing new stakeholders and spreading the word about what we do. You are key to build and strengthen our  relationships

You want to be 100% into this initiative. This means you will work together with the core team of MS2030  bringing in your expertise, resources and dedicating your time to build the initiative either locally, regionally or globally

You want to contribute by funding the core activities of MS2030 and/or fund or invest in the solutions that will be designed and implemented in each country

You want to envision the future by bringing in your expertise and collaborating to drive change top-down and bottom-up. You want to participate in round tables, mentor entrepreneurs, and/or build new knowledge. 


Queremos que o  futuro seja inclusivo e repleto de possibilidades. Acreditamos que qualquer um pode alcançar o seu potencial máximo quando tem acesso à serviços de saúde de qualidade, com atenção e cuidados integrais – uma realidade que requer uma transformação radical nos sistemas de saúde latino-americanos.


Acreditamos que é possível mudar e melhorar os modelos atuais por meio de inovação, colaboração e compromisso a longo prazo. Por isso, somos otimistas com o futuro e queremos co-criar soluções disruptivas que promovem sistemas de saúde sustentáveis e centrados nas pessoas – transformando o sistema de saúde que conhecemos hoje.

Meet Our partners

Criamos uma rede colaborativa  que catalisa inovações e soluções em escala para gerar impactos positivos nos principais desafios de  saúde da América Latina.




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